What would happen if the everyday objects around us came to life? What would they have to say? This funny 39-episode stop-motion series brings objects to life and lets them speak. As familiar objects become characters with their own set of desires and dilemmas, we get a humorous insight into our own quirks and obsessions.
Genre : Short series, comedy
Producers : Atlantique Productions, Patafilm (Antonin Ehrenberg)
Directed by : Grégoire Sivan and Mikaël Fenneteaux
Autors : Guillaume le Gorrec and Hadrien Cousin
Starring : Alison Wheeler, Cécile Cassel, Jonathan Cohen, Nicole Ferroni, Sanseverino, Réda Kateb, Andrea Brusque, Eric Herson Macarel
Broadcaster : Arte
Country : France
Language : French
Year of production : 2015
International sales : LS Distribution
Format's rights : yes